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The ‘Heritage from the Cold War’ map is now online and available for everyone to view

The Menno van Coehoorn Foundation has started an inventory of Cold War heritage in the Netherlands. The aim of this […]

A Polish woman as a prisoner in communist Russia

Book review: Barbara Skarga, ‘’After the liberation. Notes on the Gulag’’, 1944-1956 (Amsterdam, 2022) ISBN 9789403107226; 432 pp., €34.99 by […]

The main economic production under communism: military equipment and human misery

Book report: Jasper Becker, Why communism failed (London, 2022) ISBN 9781787388062; price € 28.99   By Patrick van Schie   […]

Suffering in the Soviet Union around the death of Stalin

Patrick van Schie   After having ruled the Soviet Union for more than a quarter of a century, Josef Stalin […]

The communist coup in Prague, February 1948

This month it is exactly 75 years ago that the communists finally seized power in Czechoslovakia (at the time, the current Czech Republic and Slovakia formed one country). In all the countries that would disappear behind the Iron Curtain after the Second World War, a similar process took place of the elimination of pro-democratic forces and the establishment of the dictatorship of the communist party. In Czechoslovakia, however, this took longer, which is why many people – both among the democratically minded Czechoslovaks and in the West – harbored the illusion for the longest time that the country would be spared an ‘equalisation’.

Baltic film weekend in the Netherlands

Ambassadors of Lithuania, H.E. Mr. Neilas Tankevičius, Latvia H.E. Ms. Aiga Liepiņa and Estonia H.E. Mr. Lauri Kuusing invite to the 3rd […]

Why should we remember August 23, 1939

Roger MOORHOUSE British historian and Germanist specialising in the history of modern Central Europe, with particular emphasis on Nazi Germany, […]

Communism in Albania through children’s eyes

Review of Lea Ypi, Free. Coming of Age at the End of History, 978-0241481851, 313 pages.   Patrick van Schie […]

Maserati, Rolls Royce, Mercedes, Cadillac… a glimpse into comrade Brezhnev’s luxurious car choices

By Beata Bruggeman-Sękowska   It is 1980. Not far from Zavidovo, Soviet Republic. Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev is driving recklessly from […]

Hill of Crosses in Lithuania a pilgrimage destination and a site of peaceful resistance

By Beata Bruggeman-Sękowska Hill of Crosses situated about 12 km north of the city of Šiauliai, in northern Lithuania is a pilgrimage destination […]

Refugee bleeding to death symbolizes the brutality of the Berlin Wall

August 17, 1962: Peter Fechter killed by GDR border troops   By Patrick van Schie   Peter Fechter bleeds to […]

A life in Romania under Ceausescu

Description of Nausicaa Marbe, Waiting for the West (Amsterdam, 2022) ISBN 9789044647280   Patrick van Schie   The Iron Curtain […]