
On Monday, October 5, vice-chairman Patrick van Schie, in his position as director of the Telders Foundation, was a guest on the radio program “The Hague lobby“. The subject was the relations “on the right” in view of the approaching parliamentary elections. He also explained what classical liberalism is and that “neo-liberalism” does not exist, […]

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On September 28 the Montesquieu Institute published an analysis by Beata Bruggeman-Sekowska. She expresses her concerns about some similarities between actions taken by the ruling party in Poland and totalitarian communist tactics. She stresses that Poland faces various issues and is on the crossroads again.   Polish déjà vu Beata Bruggeman-Sękowska 40 years ago Poland […]

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  The Seimas strictly condemned the moves by the State Duma of the Russian Federation towards rewriting history and challenging the foundations of modern civilisation and international law.   ‘On 11 June 2020, the Committee on International Affairs of the State Duma of the Russian Federation requested other committees to submit proposals for a draft […]

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Marking the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War in 2020, we pay tribute to the victims and to all soldiers who fought to defeat Nazi Germany and put an end to the Holocaust. While May 1945 brought the end of the Second World War in Europe, it did not bring freedom […]

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Our Vice-President Patrick van Schie discussed on April 11 on the Dutch Public radio NPO 1  the vital value of privacy during the corona crisis and warned against  far-reaching government interference.   The link to the radio programme is available here:    

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U.S. Senators Jim Risch (R-Idaho), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and co-chair of the U.S. Senate Poland Caucus, Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Dick Durbin (D-Ill.),  announced a Senate resolution commemorating the 80th Anniversary of the Katyn Massacre on April 13. Eighty years after 22,000 Polish […]

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On April 7 Lithuanian Parliament the Seimas unanimously passed by 97 votes a Resolution on Historical Revisionism Perpetuated by the Russian Federation (Draft No XIIIP-4563) The resolution aims at: ·         Condemning campaign distorting history ·         Respecting the memory of participants of World War II who fought against Nazism and other totalitarian regimes ·         Reaffirming solidarity with […]

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On March 6 in Vilnus, Lithuania a Vilnius Declaration On Dealing with Consequences of Collective Trauma was signed. It  was signed by the participants of a two day conference entitled  “Dealing with the Trauma of an Undigested Past” who have gathered in Vilnius on the eve of the 30th Anniversary of Restoration of Lithuania’s Independence. […]

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On February 19  the Parliament of Estonia the Riigikogu passed the Statement “On Historical Memory and Falsification of History” (140 AE) . The statement was  submitted by 73 members of the Parliament. 72 members of the Riigikogu voted in favour of the Statement  and one member was against. The Statement reads: “Condemning the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact […]

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Beata Bruggeman-Sekowska   The Albanian National Museum of Secret Surveillance ‘’House of Leaves’’ located in Tirana is the winner of the 2020 Council of Europe Museum Prize. The museum from Tirana was chosen by the Culture Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on December 6 2019 in Paris. The National […]

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Beata Bruggeman-Sekowska   The European Parliament adopted in connection with the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of WWII on September 20 a resolution to establish on May 25 –  the same date as the anniversary of the execution of the Auschwitz hero, Rotamaster Witold Pilecki, The International Day of Heroes of the Fight Against Totalitarianism. […]

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